Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sneak Peek

Last weekend we had a friend, Matt Morgan, do a photoshoot for us in hopes of getting a good picture for our Christmas cards this year. I was planning on not revealing any of the pics until after we mailed the Christmas cards, but I just can't make myself wait. We had so much fun and Matt did an awesome job on the photos! Here's a sneak peek.


Kate G. said...

LOVE #3, 5, and 6... But #2 is inappropriate. Hide the goods, Bailey. Hide the goods...


The Boltons said...

#2 is my favorite! (Maybe cropped?) (:

those mitchells said...

hahaha...I totally agree, but I had to post the pic. Can you believe my husband wanted to use that one for the card? What is he...like 10? :)

Megan said...

LOVE the pics! #6 has my vote, followed by #3!